Since our founding in 2020, Food for the Soul (FFTS) has experienced incredible growth and impacted those we serve in ways we could not have imagined. Organically grown out of a global pandemic, FFTS was an innovation the Sisters of the Community of the Transfiguration, unanimously voted to realign the resources to meet the needs of those experiencing hunger.
FFTS has become an essential part of the community, providing food distribution through hot meals, pantry boxes and monthly self-select food pantries. We also partner in healthy nutrition education offerings through our cooking classes and events. Through partnerships forged with local and non-profit organizations, FFTS rescued approximately 400,000 pounds of food since 2020-2023.
. . . and we are just getting started!
The mission of Food for the Soul is to stop food waste and eliminate hunger by creating access to nutritious food for people experiencing food insecurity.
Once a month Food for the Soul hosts free shopping experiences for the community.
FFTS distributes about 10,000 pounds of food and hygiene products, clothing, shoes, and household items.
Food for the Soul takes its efforts downtown to feed the homeless with a warm meal and water.
Food for the Soul's Staff host free lunches open to the community across Cincinnati and surrounding areas. Partners receiving meals include:
St. Monica Center, Talbert House, Haven House for Men, City Gospel Mission, YWCA Domestic Violence Shelter, and Phil's Place.